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Writer's pictureMariam Ghubrial

A Welcome Message

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Our journey to providing holistic approaches to mental health and well-being begins here

Hi everyone, welcome to our site and first blog post. We are Active Minds, a student-led and run mental health awareness, education and advocacy group at the University of Manitoba, striving to change conversations surrounding mental health.

“Your mental health and well-being are a priority. Let's talk.”

Being a student isn't easy! It seems that the constant deadlines and tasks we're assigned, coupled with stressors from our personal lives, can lead us to live in a state of chronic stress without realizing it. We are dedicated to spreading mental health awareness, starting conversations and helping you begin your own to challenge the stigma. Your mental health and well-being are a priority. Let's talk.

Meet the Executives

President: Chelsea Witt (she/her)

Chelsea is a fifth-year B.Sc. student majoring in Psychology. In her role as President, she guides our team in supporting students. Chelsea aims to provide resources to make a difference and support students, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

My favourite hobby: Thrifting!! (if that's a hobby?)

Vice President: Kasam Sidhu (she/her)

Kasam is a third-year Psychology student. She is extremely passionate about ending the stigma surrounding mental health, especially in non-western communities. She believes that mental health is just as important as physical health. This year, Kasam wants to educate and provide resources about different mental health issues and illnesses.

My favourite hobby: TBA

Logistics Coordinator: Alex Penny (he/him)

Alex is completing his fourth year as a Computer Science student. As someone who has battled with his own mental health in the past, he is mainly interested in suicide awareness, prevention and coping with and overcoming mental health disorders.

My Favourite hobby: Reading

LGBTQ+ Outreach & Coordinator/ Research Liaison: Ten Koriyama (he/him)

Ten is a third-year student majoring in Women's and Gender Studies. This year, his motive is to help provide valuable information about on and off-campus opportunities to LGBT2SQ+ students and share exciting news and events on mental health awareness.

My favourite hobby: Listening to music, watching movies (especially horrors and thrillers), and creating something new✨✨

Social Media Coordinator: Mariam Ghubrial (she/her)

Mariam is a fourth-year student in the faculty of Health Sciences. As social media Coordinator, she hopes to work more closely with the Active Minds team to address the feedback we receive. This year, her aim is to ensure that our content encompasses different types of mental illness and caters to students with different needs.

My favourite hobby: Painting

Our Mission

We wanted to create an all-encompassing online space to share holistic methods of supporting well-being and mental health while providing resources. Our aim is to raise awareness and educate individuals about the importance of mental well-being, advocate for one another and start conversations that challenge mental health stigma.

We look forward to embarking on this mental health awareness journey with you, but until then, stay safe and be kind.

Active Minds Executives.


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